fasutoburirare for you, the first diamond.
To you who have a diamond in your hand for the first time. I send a special kit from burirare.
With burirarefasutokurabu, I did not have “ diamond which was genuine still once in my hand. I want to do a jewelry debut to be an adult woman looking good with a genuine article from "“ this. I want to actually try a diamond of "“ burirare once. For various places such as ", it is a plan to provide a special kit of the jewelry which can feel the charm of the diamond directly with a special price.  It is suggestion only in burirare with the confidence in the quality of the diamond. Please open a door of the rich diamond life from here.
The product of the kit which "burirarefasutokurabu" prepares this time is two kinds of a pendant and pierced earrings.
Both promise the glitter of the satisfying diamond by an ultimate simple design with 0.1ct although being small. The metal prepares with platinum 900 what. If it becomes the first step to get close to genuine jewelry! I made it with such a feeling.
Also sending jewelry mascot "burirabea" of burirarefasutokurabu!
I have this pretty bear put on jewelry in the body and will go to your hand.
The amount is limited to ten both! The friend gets together, too, and please early.
burirarefasutokurabukitto A
Platinum diamond
One stone petit pendant 0.1ct
Ten sets of 10,000 yen (tax-included) limitation
burirarefasutokurabukitto B
Platinum diamond
Stud bolt pierced earrings 0.1ct in total
Ten sets of 5,000 yen (tax-included) limitation